Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Just a Walk in the Park

"Canada Violets" 9x12 oil on linen
Happy May everyone! May’s an extra special month for me. It marks the Kentucky Derby (my favorite sporting event), my birthday, my mother’s birthday, return of the farmer's market, and so many other colorful spring events in the city.

This morning I had a marvelous May morning teaching my first “Color Confidence” class where there were a great new group of students willing to explore color with me! Thank you again ladies for joining me--I look forward to painting with you! For more information on my Denver summer art classes click here.
Even though early May in Colorado can be a little rainy remains one of my favorite months to explore local parks. I'll always find some regulars like this handsome wading Canada Goose I painted this week. (FYI, I'll be taking this painting like most of my spring paintings to the Summer Art Market in June.) But I also enjoy the return of lilacs, quince, iris, robins, red wing blackbirds, red buds, singing warblers--and all things springy!
Gosling--still yellow and fluffy!

Here's a few pics of of spring around the Mile High city this past week. Enjoy and have a spectacular spring week in your creative space!
Tulips--pink and floppy like a Derby hat!

I love the color range in morning lilacs.

It must be spring if the warblers are back!

 P.S. If Spring is your favorite season you may enjoy my Spring Art Board on Pinterest.


  1. I'm glad I discovered your blog. Your work is beautiful!

  2. Welcome and thank you Laurie! That's very kind. I wish you much happiness and creative joy this summer! Aimee
